Ametra App User Painting Contractor

Christopher J. Miller
Painting Contractor, Chicago, IL
A painting contractor manages multiple jobs and needs a way to efficiently plan, execute, and track painting projects. The contractor is looking for a tool to simplify scheduling, ensure accuracy in color matching, and maintain clear documentation for clients. Here are five simple steps in Ametra App that help Christopher manage all his projects:
1. Create Project for Painting Job
The contractor creates a new project with job details like the client name and job location. This creates a central hub for each project, making it easier to track tasks, materials, and timelines.
2. Break Down Job into Areas and Items
Add areas like “Living Room,” “Garage,” and specific items like “Walls” and “Trim.” This breakdown allows the contractor to efficiently plan, organize, and assign tasks to workers, ensuring no aspect is overlooked.
3. Capture Target Colors from Photos
The contractor uses the app to capture the client’s preferred color from a photograph of an object. Extracting target colors from real-world materials ensures the paint is selected to match the client’s preferences precisely.
4. Match Paint Colors
Use the app’s Paint Libraries to find the best match for the extracted target color. This ensures color accuracy and provides a list of compatible paints that meet the client’s expectations and requirements.
5. Track Job Progress with Photos
Capture regular photos during each stage of the painting job to document progress. Photos help the contractor monitor quality, ensure timelines are met, and provide visual evidence of the work done.
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